
Frequently Asked Solar System Questions About Solar Power in Chicago, IL

Every year, Chicago has at least 189 days of sunshine per year. It is a perfect place to install your solar panels and then enjoy the solar panel benefits of renewable energy you can generate yourself. It may be, however, not an easy decision. It is a huge investment for the future, so you must be 100% ready for it.

This article will answer the most frequently asked solar system questions. Read on to find answers to questions about solar energy.

Why Should I Go Solar?

Before you make such an important investment choice in your future, it is worth understanding why it is being done. Sun energy is environmentally friendly and sustainable energy, the production of which creates a smaller carbon footprint and reduces the negative human impact on the environment. But there are other solar panel benefits:

Big savings on bills Installing and maintaining solar panel efficiency is expensive. Still, electricity bills today make us look for a way to save some money.

Having your small power plant at home will significantly reduce your bill.

Independence No matter how you look at it, we depend on housing and utility services.

And any unforeseen situation can unsettle us quite quickly: how can you now imagine your life without electricity?

PV panels allow you to generate and store electricity at home, making it more safe and ready for any future problems.

Increase in property value Buyers are willing to pay more for a home with your solar panels, knowing that it is a good investment since solar panel benefits are undeniable.

How Do Solar Panels Work for My Home?

PV systems on your home’s roof convert sunlight into electricity. Let’s figure out how solar panels work step by step. It goes like this:

1. The panels are made of many small solar cells, usually made of silicon, that are exposed to sunlight. Light moves to these elements, and they emit electricity.

2. The panels produce direct current. With the help of a special device called an inverter, it converts into alternating current, which is then used to power household appliances.

3. If your panels produce more energy than you consume, excess electricity can be recycled and used in a battery or sold.

The picture above may show us the main components of solar panels:

Solar panels Generate electricity
Inverter Converts direct current to alternating current.
Electric box Distributes electricity throughout the house.
Rechargeable batteries (if equipped) Stores excess energy for solar panels to use at night or on cloudy days.


What Are My Solar Financing Options?

Solar panels FAQ in Chicago, IL, remain quite relevant because such a purchase can hit your wallet hard:

1. The US Government Solar Tax Credit is a federal tax credit that allows you to deduct up to 30% of the price of your solar panels. By helping to install renewable energy in homes, the U.S. government’s solar tax credit is designed to encourage more homeowners to use this power, increase spending in the PV industry, and accelerate the pace of innovations and investment.



2. If you want to lease solar panels, you will pay a monthly rental fee to use the system installed on your home. In this case, the supplier company remains the owner of the system and is responsible for its maintenance and repair. The option requires little (or no) upfront cost but will save you less than buying the system yourself.

3. A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is like a lease, but you pay for solar panels energy produced at a price per kilowatt set by the supplier. The company installs the system and, in this case, also remains its owner, and you receive energy at a reduced price.

4. Illinois Shines is an initiative that allows you to receive SREC certificates for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity your solar panels produce over 15 years, which you can later sell. There are other Initiatives for Illinois.

Am I Ready for Solar Panels?

To determine if you are ready to install PV modules, there are a few key solar system questions:

Aspect Solar Panels FAQ in Chicago, IL
Your house and roof
  • Does your home get enough sunlight?
  • Is the roof in good condition and does not require repair?
  • Is there enough space on the roof, and is there any strong shadow from trees or buildings?
  • Are you ready to make the initial investment? Remember, there are loans, rent, and grants that can help.
  • Can you save on your electricity bills over time (depending on how much your solar panels will generate energy because scattered light and shade from trees can reduce electricity production)?
Power consumption
  • Are your electricity bills high enough to make installing solar panels FAQ in Chicago, IL, worthwhile?
  • Are you planning to increase your energy consumption?
Support programs
  • Are subsidies or tax breaks available in your area?
  • Are there financing programs from utility companies?
Technical aspects
  • Can PV units be connected to the local power grid to sell excess energy?
  • Do you need batteries to store excess energy?

Why Is Solar Energy Considered to Be Efficient?

Solar is an excellent choice for several reasons. First, it is a clean energy that does not pollute the environment, unlike traditional energy sources such as coal or oil. It may help reduce climate impact and improve air quality.

Additionally, solar energy is endless and available everywhere, especially in regions with many sunny days. So it is a reliable source of energy in the long term.

Solar panels in homes and businesses can help reduce energy bills because solar energy is free once you invest in installing the system. This is cost-effective for consumers and contributes to the transition to a more sustainable energy system.

How Do I Evaluate My Solar Quotes?

The first step is to compare the total cost of installation, including all costs: labor and permits. Then, you should evaluate the equipment itself, learning about the brands and models of PV modules and inverters, their reliability, solar problems, and warranties (usually 25 years for solar panels and 10 years for solar panels inverters).

Also, remember that your solar panel requires a monitoring system and good technical support, which is often not a free service. Do not hesitate to ask as many solar system questions as possible before purchasing.

You should keep in mind that various discounts and credits may allow you to lower the price, so you can make some rough estimations to see how much it costs. Besides, you should check our solar panels FAQ in Chicago, IL.

Are you looking for the right solar system for your home? Get your free solar quote right away! 


Do Solar Panels Work in the Shade?

It is one of the most popular questions in our solar panels FAQ in Chicago, IL. Solar panels work best when they are in direct sunlight without shade. When the panels are shaded by trees, buildings, or clouds, their performance is significantly reduced.

Even a little shade can noticeably reduce the amount of energy they can gather. Therefore, to achieve maximum efficiency, it is important to choose a location to install the panels so that they receive the maximum amount of sunlight during the day.

Do Solar Panels Work with Moonlight?

This is another example of a popular solar system question. However, the answer may disappoint you. Moonlight consists of reflected sunlight, which is much weaker compared to direct sunlight. In moonlight, the number of photons (particles of light) is too low to cause enough electronic excitation in the solar cell material to generate a meaningful electrical current.

What Is Shared Solar?

Shared solar is a system where you and, for example, your neighbors share one “solar power plant.” It is a great solution for those who face solar problems, such as having an unsuitable roof or a roof covered by tree shadow. Instead, you can create a custom project by installing solar panels on the roof of a public building or a vacant piece of land.

Source: US Department of Energy

Do I Need To Replace My Roof Before Installing Solar?

When you want to go solar, you may face solar system questions like this: your roof looks old, and you think it might be a good idea to replace it in five to ten years. And our answer is: it’s better to do this before installing solar panels.

First, assess the condition of your roof. If the roof is old or needs repair, replacing or fixing it before installing your solar panels is best.

Solar panels have a long lifespan, approximately 20-30 years. If your roof is in poor condition, then when renovating your roof (after installing solar panels), you will have to dismantle and reinstall the entire system. It may incur additional costs or problems with solar panels.

Final Thoughts on Solar Energy Questions

When exploring our solar panels FAQ in Chicago, IL, you see that PV systems are an important resource for our future. It is a good opportunity to achieve environmental, economic, and social solar panel benefits.

By asking yourself as many solar system questions as possible, you get closer to understanding why this solar energy concept is needed in the first place.

For many, generating energy at home seems like a curiosity, a complex system only the rich can purchase. Solar panels are created to reduce people’s dependence on communal services.

By generating and storing your solar panels’ energy, you also contribute to our environment.