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Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days in Chicago?

Solar panels on the roof of the building on a cloudy day

In the first quarter of 2024, photovoltaic (PV) solar panels accounted for 75% of all new electricity generation capacity. They continue to be the leading form of new capacity generation in the USA.

 Shares of new electricity generation capacity by generation type in the USA in 2020–2024
Source: SEIA
This article will explore the following questions:

  • Do solar panels work on cloudy days in Chicago?
  • How efficient are solar panels on cloudy days?

Read on to learn more about these and other important questions related to solar energy.


Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?

Solar panels don’t require direct sunlight to operate. Even on cloudy days, solar cells can absorb diffuse light and generate electricity. However, the panels must be positioned to avoid shading from trees or buildings.

How Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy Days?

Do solar panels still work on cloudy days? Do cloudy days affect solar panels? It depends on several factors. The amount of solar energy you can expect from your system on a cloudy day is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Cloud thickness: Thin high clouds allow more light to pass through compared to dense low storm clouds.
  2. Cloud type: Thin cirrus clouds allow more sunlight than dense cumulus clouds. Stratus clouds allow a moderate amount of light to pass through.
  3. Season: Longer daylight hours in summer compared to winter provide more overall energy production.
  4. Geographic location: Southern regions of the country have more sunny days throughout the year compared to northern regions.
  5. Local weather conditions: Some areas experience cloudy days more frequently than others.

Understanding these factors will help you have realistic expectations about the performance of your solar system.

How well do solar panels work on cloudy days? Here are some typical efficiency levels of solar panels depending on the conditions:

Clear, sunny day: 100% efficiency.

Partly cloudy day: 50–80% efficiency.

Heavily overcast day: 10–25% efficiency.

Thus, solar panels do work on cloudy days, but their energy production varies. The key is to have a reliable partner for installation. Professionals will provide you with a system that meets your energy needs even with changing weather conditions.

Popular Misconceptions About Solar Panels on Overcast Days

Do solar panels charge on cloudy days? Yes, the equipment still receives diffuse light. While it is less intense than direct sunlight, it can still excite electrons in the solar cells and generate electrical current.

Don’t fall for the myth that solar panels don’t work on cloudy days. Although they produce less energy compared to a clear day, diffuse light still allows them to generate electricity.

Here are some other common misconceptions about the operation of solar panels that need to be debunked:

Myth Fact
Cloudy weather makes solar energy unreliable Modern forecasting methods and grid integration allow for effective balancing of solar energy supply and demand even on cloudy days.
The efficiency of solar energy is highest in regions with high solar irradiance. Modern solar panels can generate clean energy and provide savings even in regions with average sunlight. Proper orientation and tilt of the panels play a crucial role.

Most regions in the US receive enough sunlight each year for solar panels to be effective.

Do solar panels charge on cloudy days? To ensure that your solar system adapts to weather changes and meets your energy needs, choose a reliable provider. They will create a personalized system and provide round-the-clock monitoring for your peace of mind.

Do Solar Panels Work at Night?

Solar panels can provide your home with electricity during the night, but they do not generate power at that time. Scientifically, solar panels are activated by sunlight, which triggers the generation of electrical current through the photovoltaic effect. While they cannot generate electricity at night, the energy stored during the day ensures the system continues functioning.

Lights used for illuminating homes do not emit ultraviolet rays, so your panels cannot be used for energy generation. Similarly, moonlight needs to be stronger to be used.

There are several methods to ensure continuous power supply to your home using solar energy throughout the day and night.

Solar Battery Storage

You can store excess energy produced during the day in a solar battery. Most solar systems generate more energy than you can use during peak sunlight hours, so this surplus energy can be stored in a battery for future use.

Batteries are connected directly to the solar panel array and operate autonomously, so there’s no need for you to turn them on or off—they work automatically. As the sun sets, energy production gradually decreases and stops during the night.

At this point, your battery will gradually supply energy to the grid, compensating for the shortfall and preventing power interruptions.

A fully charged solar battery typically can provide power to a home for a day or more without needing daily recharging. Thus, your battery is capable of meeting your nighttime energy needs and recharging the next day.

Net Metering

Another option besides a solar battery is participating in a net metering program. Many utility companies participate in this program as part of their environmental initiatives and collaborate with the government to encourage consumers to reduce their grid use during peak hours.

Households that take part in net metering can sell excess energy generated by their solar panels back to the grid, earning credits on their accounts.

During peak hours, the excess energy returns to the grid (for which a special meter installed by your installer is required), and you receive corresponding compensation.

Although solar panels do not work at night, selling excess electricity during the day can accumulate credits that cover your nighttime energy consumption, keeping your bills low or even at zero. Thus, the overproduction of energy during the day allows you to meet your needs after sunset.

Should You Go Solar if You’re in a Cloudy Climate?

Yes, solar energy can be a worthwhile investment even in a cloudy climate. How effective are solar panels on cloudy days? Choosing the right system size and optimizing panel orientation will help maximize solar energy production even in adverse weather conditions.

When Do Solar Panels Produce the Most Energy?

Direct sunlight generates the highest amount of energy through solar panels, typically from late morning to early afternoon when the sun is at its peak. During winter, solar panels produce less energy. A combination of direct and diffuse sunlight also contributes to energy generation, as both types of light contain photons that solar panels convert into electricity.

It is more advantageous to install solar panels for homeowners in states with many sunny days throughout the year. However, they do not perform as well in hot climates. Solar panels are popular even in cities where cloudy days are frequent. The efficiency of solar panels begins to decrease when temperatures rise above 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Are you looking to equip your home with the right solar system? Don’t waste another second — get your free solar quote right away!



How much does installing solar panels on your home's roof cost?

According to SEIA, the average national cost of a solar panel system is $2.94 per watt. For a standard residential solar system with a typical capacity of 5 kW, the price would be $11,000. Before installing, be sure to check for any local restrictions, HOA approval requirements, and relevant state laws in your area.

Is it advisable to install solar panels if I reside in a region with frequent cloud cover?

Solar panels can generate up to 80% of their energy potential even on cloudy days, according to a report from the Institute for Environmental and Energy Studies. Living in a cloudy region should not deter homeowners from installing solar panels. Furthermore, rain can help clean the panels of dirt and dust, increasing their efficiency.

How much less efficient are my solar panels on cloudy days or at night?

The efficiency of solar panels can decrease by 10–25% compared to energy production on sunny days during cloudy weather or at night. How effective are solar panels on cloudy days? It depends on the density of the cloud cover. Interestingly, while they perform better on sunny days than cloudy ones, their efficiency also decreases in very hot climates. Therefore, solar panels can be beneficial in various climatic conditions.