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Solar Panel Bird Proofing: What Is It, and Why Do You Need It?

Spike steel sticks on the building for solar panel bird proofing

When birds build nests on the roof, it may lead to damage and costly repairs to solar panels. Besides, it may result in noise and the risk of contamination by pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to the potential harm that birds bring to a solar system, there is a great danger to the same birds. According to research published in the WildLife Society, thousands of birds have died from various causes related to the panels.

Other sources confirm the same information. For example, another study found that solar power plants cause between 37,800 and 138,600 annual bird deaths in the United States. At large power plants, everything is much worse, and this video confirms this:


Let’s explore the types of solar panel bird protection, as well as their main advantages and disadvantages.

Why Do Birds Nest Under Solar Panels

If you notice birds on your solar panel, you should keep in mind that they might nest under the panels as well. They choose such constructions because they are warm and secluded. It is also a good opportunity to shelter from various weather conditions.

In the end, birds simply love roofs, and fruit trees growing next to the house can also become an indirect reason why birds began to live under your panels.

What Birds Nest Under Solar Panels

Jackdaws and pigeons like to make their nests under roof panels. These birds are gregarious and never live alone.

Bird's nest with two eggs

As for pigeons, they can breed and raise offspring all year round and are not afraid to live near people’s homes. Unlike pigeons, jackdaws do not tend to build nests on the roofs of houses, but they are attracted to the secluded and hidden space under solar panels.

Therefore, if you see that pigeons or jackdaws are nesting under your solar panels, it is a big problem that needs to be solved urgently!

Birds and Solar Panels: Possible Risks and Potential Damage

Birds nesting under your solar panels are always a source of noise, debris, and sounds that can irritate you and cause headaches. But that is not all.

The table shows the problems that owners of solar installations may encounter if they do not implement solar panel bird proofing.


Problem Description
Corrosion of aluminum joints in a panel system Corrosion is caused by pigeon droppings, which are acidic and easily oxidized metal compounds.
Reduced panel efficiency Panels soiled with debris and bird droppings lose up to 30% of their effectiveness because the ability to absorb sunlight is reduced.
Risk of infection by pathogens carried by birds Inhalation or other ingestion of dried bird droppings can lead to illnesses caused by salmonella, E. coli, and other specific bacteria.
Damage to flexible connections Birds can use their beaks to damage cables and wires, causing them to break and the system to malfunction.
Fire risk A fire can occur either due to damaged wires or due to the presence of flammable materials from birds’ nests adjacent to hot panels.


The risks of breakdowns and other damage caused by birds to solar panels must be minimized. To achieve this, it is necessary to take appropriate measures for solar panel bird protection, which involve installing barriers or deterrents to prevent birds from accessing the space under the panels.

This way, you will avoid potential damage in the future and maintain optimal performance of your panels, extending their lifespan.

Bird-Proofing Your Solar Panels: How To Avoid Problems

It is unlikely that you had solar panel bird proofing when you installed your system. Even if it was working, most likely, a basic one was used, which could not protect against all birds nesting on your roof.

Therefore, if your panels do not have proper protection, you will probably be interested in information on how to achieve this. After all, it is known that prevention is always cheaper than repair.

1. Physical Solar Panel Bird Barriers

  • Solar panel bird mesh

Small mesh cells prevent large and small birds from entering the space under the panels. Solar panel bird netting is very effective, and it does not spoil the appearance of the roof, but it is quite difficult to install and expensive.

  • Spikes

Solar panel bird spikes create obstacles to penetration under the panels for large birds, but they are ineffective for pigeons. Moreover, such spikes are an inexpensive and easy-to-install way to scare away birds.

  • Tilt of panels

The panels can be tilted in such a way that a slippery slope is formed, which prevents large birds from staying on the surface. However, small birds can easily adapt to it.

  • So-called «skirt» for panels

This type of barrier provides a solar panel bird guard installation made of PVC around the entire perimeter of your solar installation, which prevents birds from entering under the panels. A “skirt” is aesthetic, durable, and withstands various weather conditions, but it may lose in price to other kinds of solar panel bird guard.

2. Ultrasound

Ultrasound solar panel bird deterrents include devices that emit sound at a frequency that is unpleasant for birds. Experience shows that not all birds respond to ultrasound properly. Some get used to it after time, which does not prevent them from nesting under solar panels.

3. Reflective Tape

One of the most environmentally friendly ways of solar panel bird-proofing. However, many homeowners complain about the short-term effect since the birds quickly adapt and do not see any threat from the tape.

4. Chemical Repellents

Such solar panel bird deterrents lose their effectiveness over time because chemicals may evaporate. In addition, repellers harm the environment and are unsafe for people.

Certainly, a solar panel bird protection kit can not only solve the issue of risks of damage to the panels but also reduce the frequency and intensity of necessary cleaning.

Solar panel cleaning and bird proofing can save you money by reducing or minimizing your potential costs for panel maintenance and repair.

Choose an Effective Bird Control Solution

If you are looking for solar panel bird proofing near me, you probably understand the seriousness of this problem. Solar panel bird guards are a justifiable expense considering the possible damage and maintenance costs.

When choosing solar panel bird proofing, you should assess all risks and be ready to invest a bit. You can start with something cheaper and then evaluate the benefits of expensive protection.

Please note that solving the problem on your own is not easy, so the help of specialists will be useful to you. To ensure that your system continues to perform its functions effectively and does not require additional costs for repairs or replacement of components, implement bird guards for solar panels.

Do you want to find the best solution for solar panel bird control that fits your financial capabilities? Don’t waste another second—get your free quote right away!



What about visual and auditory deterrents?

Visual and auditory deterrents include ultrasonic solar panel bird deterrent and reflective tapes. Many birds adapt to them, so these tools do not have a long-term effect.

Does reflective tape work?

Reflective tape for solar panel bird control is easy to use and weather resistant. It is durable and can be cut and tied anywhere on the roof. However, birds usually quickly adapt to it. Therefore, reflective tape does not have a long-term deterrent effect.

What about chemical repellents?

Chemical repellents are effective for solar panel bird control and prevent them from nesting or landing on the roof or your solar panels. Repellents come in gel, liquid, or spray form. They can be easily and quickly applied to surfaces, but the safety of such chemicals for humans and the environment is questionable.