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The Definitive Guide to Solar Panel Warranties

Damaged solar panel on the roof of the building

One of the key advantages of solar panels is their long-term warranty. Modern leading manufacturers offer a 25-year warranty on solar panels, which means your savings on electricity will be protected for an extended period.

Leading companies in the solar energy sector may offer warranties that cover both the panels themselves and their installation. This way, you will receive a range of additional benefits.

Over the next five years, the number of installed solar power systems in Illinois is expected to increase more than 17-fold. The state has invested over $2 billion in solar energy, creating over 5,000 jobs, with further growth anticipated. In the past five years, the cost of solar panels has decreased by 4%, and the volume of solar panel installations has increased by over 2,000%.

State incentives encourage residents and organizations in Illinois to switch to solar energy by offering rebates on excess electricity and financial support programs for equipment and installation. These measures are accompanied by a federal solar energy tax credit and are aimed at supporting homeowners who invest in solar energy.

Illinois state legislation has set a goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2045.

A graphic representation of Illinois solar industry development from 2014 through 2023
Source: SEIA

How long are solar panel warranties? What do solar panel warranties cover? These and other important questions will be discussed in this article.

Types of Solar Panel Warranties

There are various types of warranties for solar panels that protect you from numerous issues. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Product Warranty

The product warranty covers the replacement of solar panels in case of defects in materials or workmanship. The warranty period depends on the brand and specific model, but the industry standard is 10 years or more. The best manufacturers, such as SunPower and Q Cells, offer up to 25 years of product warranties.

Performance Warranty

The performance warranty, also known as the performance guarantee, applies to equipment that uses renewable energy sources, such as solar panels. Photovoltaic (PV) modules gradually lose performance, but the performance warranty ensures that this degradation occurs very slowly.

Solar panel manufacturers specify the maximum rate of degradation, and the performance warranty covers you if the panels begin to degrade faster than anticipated.

Performance warranties typically last longer than product warranties, with most manufacturers offering them for 25–30 years. High-quality solar panels might lose approximately 2–3% of their performance in the first year and then less than 0.5% per year after that. This means that the best solar panels can generate at least 85% of their original power output over 25 years.

The best solar panel warranties offer performance guarantees with the following conditions:

  • Degradation of no more than 2–3% in the first year
  • Degradation of no more than 0.5% in subsequent years
  • Performance warranty period ranging from 25 to 30 years

Some solar panel manufacturers guarantee a lower rate of degradation, such as 0.25% per year, with performance guarantees extending up to 30 years.

Do Home Warranties Cover Solar Panels?

Since solar panels are structural additions, standard home warranties typically do not cover them. However, solar panel manufacturers often offer extended warranties for their products and systems. If the manufacturer’s warranty has expired, insurance companies might cover the costs, as solar panels are usually included in homeowners’ insurance. Check your insurance policy for confirmation.

Ability to Transfer the Solar Panel Warranty

Solar modules and other components of a solar system come with long-term warranties, allowing you to consider selling your home during this period. It is desirable to be able to transfer this warranty to the new owner, making your property more attractive to potential buyers who will receive solar panels with warranty coverage.

Whether Labor Is Included With the Solar Panel Product Warranty

The product warranty typically includes the replacement of any solar panels that fail due to defects in materials or workmanship. However, labor costs related to their replacement may be excluded from coverage. Some warranties may have labor cost limitations up to a certain dollar amount.
It is important to remember that the best companies that install solar panels provide warranties on their installation quality. These often cover labor costs not included in the manufacturer’s warranty, but make sure to clarify these terms before finalizing the deal.

Warranty Exclusions and Limitations

Warranties from solar panel manufacturers protect you from many potential issues, but it is important to note that they do not cover all risks. For example, many solar panel warranties do not protect you from extreme weather conditions and fires caused by external factors. In such cases, it is wise to consider a homeowners’ insurance policy that protects your solar equipment against risks not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
Warranty terms for solar panels can vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer, so it is essential to thoroughly review the warranty documentation before choosing a solar equipment brand.
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How To Keep Your Warranty Valid

Warranties are only valid with proper use of the panels. Here are some typical reasons for voiding solar panel warranties.

Self-Installation of Solar Panels

Most solar panel manufacturers provide a warranty only if your photovoltaic system is installed by professionals. In other words, you are likely to void the warranty if you attempt to install the panels yourself, even if you manage to do it correctly.

All modifications to the home solar system should be performed by professionals. This includes adding panels for increased power generation or installing an energy storage system for the nighttime use of solar energy. If you perform repairs or modifications to the solar energy system yourself, you are likely to void the warranty.

Improper Cleaning of Solar Panels

Never clean the solar panels with abrasive tools or chemicals, as this can cause damage not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Solar panels should be cleaned with soft materials, such as squeegees and soft brushes, to avoid scratches.

Solar panels require minimal maintenance as they have no moving parts and are subject to mechanical wear. However, the accumulation of dirt can negatively impact their warranty.
Many solar companies recommend cleaning the panels at least twice a year, but in some locations, more frequent cleaning may be needed.

Ignoring Warning Signs of Panel Damage

It is important to report any signs of damage to the solar panel immediately, as many issues can worsen if left unattended. In some cases, a malfunctioning solar panel can cause secondary damage that is not covered by the warranty. Sometimes, the warranty may not apply if there is evidence that the problem was not noticed for an extended period.

Many solar inverters come with an energy monitoring system that allows you to track the amount of electricity generated. This system can also help detect issues that may not have visible signs.

Best Product Warranties

To better understand what a strong solar panel warranty looks like, we have selected five of the most popular warranties in the current market.

Panasonic Solar Panel Warranty Includes AllGuard and Triple Guard warranties through an authorized Panasonic installer.
Product warranty: 25 years, covering panels, solar inverter warranty, monitoring, and racking system. If there is a malfunction, Panasonic covers shipping, labor, and parts.
Performance warranty: 25 years, with a maximum degradation guarantee of 0.25% to 0.50%, depending on the model.
Silfab Solar A North American solar panel manufacturer using advanced technology.
Product warranty: 25 years, covering repair, replacement, and refunds for defective materials.
Performance warranty: 30 years, with performance at 82.6% of total capacity, decreasing by 0.5% annually.
REC Group A Norwegian company offering REC ProTrust warranties to its residential customers.
Product warranty: 20 years, protecting against manufacturing defects.
Performance warranty: 25 years, with performance at 92% of total capacity, decreasing by 0.25% annually.
Qcells An American solar panel manufacturer.
Product warranty: 25 years.
Performance warranty: 25 years, with performance at 86% of total capacity, decreasing by 0.5% annually.
SunPower A California company offering the Complete Confidence warranty on solar panels.
Product warranty: 25 years, covering repair, shipping, and all components of the solar system.
Performance warranty: 25 years, with performance at least 92% of total capacity, decreasing by 0.25% annually. A 10-year warranty is also offered for storage and monitoring equipment.


Replacing a Panel if the Module is Unavailable

Replacing a solar panel (photovoltaic panel) may be necessary due to physical damage or decreased performance. Panels may also need to be removed and replaced if your roof requires repair or if you are moving to a new home with similar installation conditions.

Solar panel systems have a long lifespan, ranging from 25 to 30 years or more, and you may never need to replace them. However, there are cases where repair or replacement may be needed: if panels are damaged or not working, if the roof requires repair or replacement, or if you are planning to move.

Removing solar panels in the U.S. can vary in complexity. Generally, the process involves disconnecting electrical connections, removing mounts, and safely handling the panels.
This is not a simple DIY project, so it is advisable to consult a professional solar panel installer or contractor who performed the original installation. They will provide the necessary expertise and assess the feasibility of relocating the system.

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What is a solar panel product warranty?

A product warranty is the manufacturer’s obligation to protect the buyer from defects that may arise due to manufacturing errors, quality issues, or component and material failures. This means the manufacturer must replace or refund the cost of solar panels that become unusable during the warranty period. Typically, solar panel manufacturers provide at least a 10-year product warranty, but some premium manufacturers offer warranty periods ranging from 15 to 25 years.

What is a solar panel performance warranty?

A performance warranty is usually specified as a percentage of rated power in the first year, then decreases annually to a certain level.

For example, Q Cells states 98% of rated power in the first year, with an annual decrease not exceeding 0.5% from years 2 to 25. To calculate this, remember that the rated power in the first year is calculated differently than from years 2 to 25. Thus, the minimum rated power after 25 years is 86%. For calculation: 0.86 = 0.98 – (24 x 0.005).

To calculate the rated output power after 11 years, it would be: 0.93 = 0.98 – (10 x 0.005).

It is worth noting that sometimes solar panels may not operate at full capacity due to dirt. Heavily soiled modules produce less electricity because sunlight is blocked.

How long is a solar panel warranty

Most solar panel manufacturers provide warranty terms ranging from 10 to 25 years. Longer warranties provide confidence in the quality and durability of the product. Be sure to read the terms of your specific warranty carefully, as some may have different durations for different system components.